Tuesday, August 14, 2007

News- August 15th 2007

Added notes for pharmacognosy for the chapter of Alkaloids.
They are comprehensive notes taken in the lecture of alkaloids. Contains drugs of the following classes- Indole Alkaloids (Ergot, Vinca, Nux vomica, Rauwolfia), Tropane Alkaloids (Belladonna, Stramonium, Coca Leaves), Quinazoline Alkaloids (Vasaka Leaf / Adulsa), Pyridine Alkaloids (Lobelia Herb), Imidazole Alkaloids (Pilocarpus), additional Indole Alkaloids (Calabar Beans, Opium Poppy Plant), Quinoline Alkaloids (Cinchona Bark), Isoquinoline Alkaloids (Ipecac), Pyridine - Piperidine Alkaloids (Tobacco), Proto Alkaloids (Ephedra, Colchicum, Aconite), Pseudo Alkaloids (Coffee, Tea, Kola Nuts / Bissy Seeds, Cocoa Seeds), Steroidal Alkaloids (Kurchi, Ashwagandha), Pyrazoline Alkaloids (Pepper).

You can view the detailed notes either by visiting the Notes Section of PharmaXChange under the heading of Pharmacognosy, OR, you can directly go to the pharmacognosy section by clicking here

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